Turbogears tabber
Turbogears tabber

The TurboGears project is now managed jointly by a group of about half a dozen core developers under the leadership of Mark Ramm (as the TurboGears 2 development lead) and Florent Aide (as the Turbogears 1.x release manager). Alberto is still involved in the TurboGears community through his ToscaWidgets project. January 2007 Kevin Dangoor retired as project leader and Alberto Valverde managed the project as his successor, but subsequently stepped down due to other personal commitments. When he released it as an open source framework in the end of September 2005, it received more than 30,000 screencast downloads in the first 3 months. TurboGears was originally created in 2005 by Kevin Dangoor as the framework behind the as yet unreleased Zesty News product. This list may continue to change in future versions. Kid support is not currently planned as Genshi is virtually identical. Plugins currently supported in 2.1 are Myghty, Jinja2, Mako, Cheetah, and Kajiki. Templating languages other than Genshi can be used through the user's app's configuration file. It is mostly used for implementing Ajax features and widgets as it provides an interface to get JSON data streams in asynchronous manner. It is a designed to make programming in JavaScript more pythonic. MochiKit is the preferred, but optional JavaScript library for TurboGears 1.x.The same data can also be received in Ajax fashion as a JSON data stream.

turbogears tabber

  • CherryPy (Controller) - middleware that allows web applications to be programmed by writing event handlers that return data to (in TurboGears case) templates.
  • It is nearly 100% syntax-compatible to Kid.
  • Genshi is the successor to Kid and will replace it as the default templating engine in TurboGears >= 1.1.
  • At the same time features are provided to embed snippets of Python in a XMLish manner.
  • Kid (View) - XHTML frontend templating engine where all templates are valid XHTML or XML files that are usually made in a way that allows opening these templates as simple XHTML files to check the design.
  • SQLAlchemy is slated to become the default in TurboGears >= 1.1.
  • SQLObject (Model) - data backend that can create a database or interface with existing data on many database servers.
  • When defining elements of the user's controller to be exposed to the web, repoze.what predicates define who can access them and under what conditions.
  • Repoze.what - Used to handle authorization respectively.
  • Paster was the command toolkit and webserver used in place of Gearbox.
  • Pylons ( Controller) - this middleware handles all the user's back-end logic and connects to the user's webserver to offer up data to the web.
  • Gearbox - is the toolkit used by TurboGears to manage projects, create new ones and serve TurboGears applications but the user can also connect to Apache, Nginx, or any other WSGI-compatible webserver.
  • Unlike TurboGears 1.x, there is no longer a preferred/integrated JavaScript library. Tosca by default will generate simple HTML forms, but can also be used as a middleware to connect to more advanced JavaScript widgets and toolkits.
  • ToscaWidgets - is the primary widget library for creating forms and complex GUIs.
  • Users can define authorization rules based on predicates attached to controllers, the framework already provides some built-in predicates, but custom ones can be written.
  • Repoze - Repoze.who is used to handle security (identification and authentication).
  • turbogears tabber

    This is where the user defines the front-end the client will interact with. Genshi ( View) - defines templates for the HTML or XHTML the user will generate.

    Turbogears tabber how to#

    Ming ( Model) - provides the data access layer for MongoDB, much like SQLAlchemy defines how to link MongoDB collections to Python objects the user's controller can interact with.SQLAlchemy ( Model) - defines the table structures of the user's database and how to link them to Python objects the user's controller can interact with.The following are the primary components a developer would interact with. The default tools have changed between the 1.x, 2.x and 2.3+ series, but most of these components can be used in either as there is support for many alternative configurations. TurboGears is built on top of numerous disparate libraries and middleware.

    Turbogears tabber